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Magforms P13 compatible resin and 3D-printer settings

Magforms is a Chinese manufacturer of 3D-printing technology solutions in the desktop and industrial segment, like the Magforms P13. The large scale SLA printers from Magforms are build around a 355nm laser. While de desktop MSLAprinters run on 405nm wavelength. The Helios-P Series and SL Series industrial grades SLA 3D printers provide cost-effective solutions to manufacturers, while the P Series professional grade LCD 3D printers offer a more professional and convenient solution.  Some Liqcreate resins have been optimized on the Magforms P13. Technically almost all resins can work as most also work on this printer! If you have any questions related to Liqcreate resins or you want to work with a non-optimized resin, reach out to us at and our engineers can assist.

Magforms P13 resin 3D-printing settings

Resin Layer thickness Exposure time (seconds) Base layer count Base layer exposure Lift Height (mm) Lift speed / retract speed (mm/min)
Bio-Med Clear 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Strong-X 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Stone Coal Black 100 µm n/a
50 µm 8,0 2 40 6 90 / 120
Premium White 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Rigid Pro 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Premium Model 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Premium Tough 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Wax Castable 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
25 µm n/a
Premium Flex* 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Clear Impact 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Deep Blue 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
ESD 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Flame Retardant 100 µm n/a
HDT 50 µm n/a
Tough-X* 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Flexible-X* 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Elastomer-X* 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Hazard Glow 100 µm n/a
Composite-X 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Dental Model 100 µm n/a
Pro Beige 50 µm n/a
Dental Model 100 µm n/a
Pro Grey 50 µm n/a
Gingiva Mask 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a
Premium Black 100 µm n/a
50 µm n/a

* Tough-X, Flexible-X and Premium flex require heavy supports, Elastomer-X requires extra heavy supports.

Magforms P13 resin 3D-printing technology

The P13 is a 3D printer produced by MagForms, a manufacturer based in China. It uses the LCD technology to produce thermosets parts using resin feedstock.

Magforms P13 resin 3D-printer liqcreate photopolymer resins jewelry wax strong tough elastic flex dental engineering ABS PP PA

Image by Magforms: the new Magforms P13 resin 3D-printers


Magforms P13 resin 3D-printer specifications

  • – Printing Technology: LCD-based SLA 3D Printer
    – Light Source: UV Matrix 405nm LED light source
    – Layer Thickness: 0.025-0.1mm
    – Build Volume: 278 x 156 x 380mm
    – Pixel Size: ~51μm
    – LCD Screen: 10.3″ 6K monochrome LCD screen
    – Pixel size: 5448×3064
    – Support Resin: 405nm wavelength photosensitive resin
    – File Format: Input: STL file

Contact us if you have any questions or when you need help with settings for Liqcreate resins on the Magforms P13 or other resin based 3D-printers.


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